CLUG 2.0 project presentation at Rail Live 2023: Advancements in Secure Train Localization

CLUG 2.0 was showcased at Rail Live, a major rail industry event, held from November 29th to December 1st in Madrid, Spain. This year, the event featured over 350 speakers, 250 exhibitors, and more than 100 startups addressing key topics such as signaling, cybersecurity, asset management, sustainability, energy, mega-projects, and artificial intelligence.
During Rail Live, SNCF presented CLUG 2.0, aiming to demonstrate the technological readiness of an on-board secure localization system based on a GNSS+EGNOS, using a multi-sensor fusion architecture, enabling absolute safe train positioning for signaling within an ETCS framework.
The presentation took place in the "Train Control" session, where key projects related to the new generation of secure train localization based on GNSS were introduced. On a similar topic, Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking FP2-R2DATO WP21/WP22 Localisation activities and the EGNSS Mate Project of SBB were also presented in this session.
Adrien Gharios, Localisation System Architect on SNCF, presented the CLUG 2.0 project overview and work status. CLUG 2.0 is notably illustrating the applications of satellites in the rail system, aligning with the perspective shared by Daniel Lopour from EUSPA - the EU Agency for the Space Programme - during his introduction to this session.
This event provided an excellent opportunity to once again showcase the project and receive numerous inquiries, indicating the continued interest in this innovative initiative within the railway sector.